Saturday, July 26, 2014

Selecting Our Lot – Part 2

On April 13th our SR calls to tell us that the new section is open and 6 lots are available (out of 40).  We are told the delivery date will be October/November.   There is one lot available that has no neighbors behind it, with a guarantee that nothing will go behind it because this section backs up to the neighboring high school property.  SCORE!  Unfortunately there’s a lot premium for this whole section… bummer, we weren’t anticipating that.

New Section Layout

Of course, at this point we were still trying to get our house ready to put on the market and we weren’t sure how fast we could move things.  We didn’t want to put the offer on the new house until we had sold the old house, or we at least knew we would want to/need to make it a contingent offer.  This made me worry because I knew that if someone else came along and wanted our lot and didn’t need a contingency we could lose our lot!
Topography of our lot.  We really liked that it was pretty flat and the drainage was away from the house.

We put a hold on the lot over a weekend and then tried to figure out what we were doing - put in a contingent or non-contingent offer.  Our SR put another hold on the lot for one more weekend and we went in to put the offer in the following Monday.  We went through all of our selections and then started negotiations.  We didn’t come to an agreement that night, so we left without signing anything.  It was a little deflating leaving without having everything done, but we knew we could play hardball a little bit and wanted to get the best bang for our buck.  We have an AWESOME realtor and she did some major negotiating.  More to come on that, but by that Friday we had come to an agreement and we put in a non-contingent offer on the lot we wanted in the new section!
April 2014: View of the lot from the cross-road in my car. 
April 2014: View of the lot from the road.  They still hadn't paved, so the road was dug down pretty low.

Did you have a hard time picking your lot?  What were the most desirable things in a lot for you?


  1. Oh nice....I like your options and the lot looks like a winner to me!!! Congrats!!! :)

    1. Thanks MrJ! We really lucked out with the timing on the lot, gotta love not having backyard neighbors!
